$199.00 USD

6 monthly payments

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The Masterclass: Create, Print, Publish & Sell Your Own Tarot or Oracle Deck

Flexible Payment Options Available: Enroll in 6 Monthly Payments of $199!

Get the full course and access to the society of empresses community at $999 in a one-time payment instead of $1194 across 6 months.

We understand that investing in your dreams should be accessible and convenient. That's why we're pleased to offer a payment plan option for our comprehensive course on creating, designing, publishing, and selling your own tarot or oracle deck.

With our payment plan, you can enroll in the course and spread the cost over 6 monthly payments of just $199 each. This allows you to get started on your journey to deck creation without having to make a large upfront payment.

Don't let financial constraints hold you back from pursuing your passion and turning your dreams into reality. Take advantage of our payment plan option and begin your creative journey today!

Enroll now and start creating the deck of your dreams!